Root Canal Therapy in Charlotte, NC

Written by: Portrait Of Dr. Joshua NeubauerDr. Joshua Neubauer

Park Crossing Dentistry is happy to offer root canal treatment in our Charlotte, NC office while also proudly serving the surrounding areas of Pineville, NC; Indian Land, SC; and Fort Mill, SC

Located in Suite 200 of 10009 Park Cedar Drive in Charlotte, NC, our practice is dedicated to giving you the help you’re in need of with our emergency appointments because we know you’re busy. Whether you are stopping by for your root canal or bringing in a family member, we look forward to taking care of you and your teeth.

Patient at the dentist

What Are Root Canal Treatments?

A root canal isn’t just a dentistry procedure – we actually all have root canals. Each one of our teeth has tiny chambers that house the tooth’s nerve and blood vessels – these chambers run from the top of the tooth to the root, and each tooth has between one and four canals. 

While the outside of our teeth is made up of enamel – the hardest tissue in the human body – teeth actually have a soft core called dental pulp that exists beneath the enamel and dentin. This pulp exists within our root canals. Because this pulp protects our tooth’s nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue, it is vital to our teeth’s development, helping the root of our teeth grow throughout our developmental years.

It is possible for our teeth to crack, chip, or develop cavities – and when this happens, harmful bacteria can make its way into our root canals. The soft pulp within can become infected and inflamed, leading to a general dentist suggesting a root canal procedure to clear out the affected pulp. Even if the crown of your tooth is intact, the pulp beneath can become damaged from things like untreated cavities or an injury to the tooth. The pulp inside your tooth can be damaged from an injury to the face, even if your tooth does not crack in the process.

There are a few ways to know you may need a root canal. Symptoms include swelling and a sensation of heat on your gums, but a general dentist will utilize an x-ray to confirm whether or not a root canal is the best course of action. The good news is that a fully developed tooth does not need its pulp anymore, as it can survive by utilizing the nourishment provided by surrounding tissue instead, making root canal procedures an effective solution to removing infected pulp.

Root Canals Preserve Your Teeth and Prevent Extraction

To prevent further infection and preserve your oral health, our root canal therapy is used to decrease symptoms and avoid extraction. Park Crossing Dentistry provides Charlotte, NC and its surrounding areas with root canal treatments every day because we believe in preserving your natural teeth.

If a tooth with diseased pulp is left untreated, the infected tooth pulp can develop into a more serious infection leading to a diseased tooth. This is because the bacteria will begin to multiply within the pulp chamber if not removed.  We are dedicated to preventing that outcome, working towards disinfection of the diseased pulp of the infected tooth. Without treatment, the infected tooth pulp can lead to tooth extraction– but with proper root canal treatment, one of our general dentists can clear out the infected tissue and put you on a path towards healing in as little to one to three visits.

At Park Crossing Dentistry, a Dentist in Charlotte NC will utilize an endodontic treatment and local anesthesia for your root canal procedure. Our root canal therapy is a highly successful procedure that can save your infected tooth, allowing you to avoid needing to have the affected tooth extracted. A small opening will be made on the top of your affected tooth to expose the infected pulp before using a file to remove any infected and diseased pulp. Once the infected and diseased pulp is removed, we will thoroughly clean the pulp chamber and root canals of your affected tooth. All of the pathways – the root canals that run from crown to root – will be cleansed and coated with antibiotics if needed to fully remove infection and prevent reinfection in the future.

Patient at the dentist

Fillings and Crowns Preserve Your Natural Teeth

Once this phase of root canal therapy has been completed, a filling will be placed within the crown to further protect your tooth from reinfection. The now cleansed and treated chambers will be filled with an elastic, rubbery compound called gutta-percha which mimics the soft pulp core. Gutta-percha, which is a plastic substance from the Malaysian Percha tree, is similar to latex and is used as a permanent filling in root canals. This filling also helps prevent your root canals from being damaged by saliva within your mouth.

Once your root canals have been filled, a permanent seal is made by placing a crown over your natural tooth for further protection. Crowns are commonly made out of materials like zirconia, porcelain, or porcelain fused to metal. The porcelain we use at Park Crossing Dentistry is always high-quality porcelain, molded individually to you for the best fit.

Once a general dentist uses a paste or putty to create a mold for your crown, you will be provided with a temporary crown to protect your root canal while your crown is being made. The temporary crown is removed when the permanent crown is inserted. Crowns not only ensure your tooth’s safety but also restore its strength and appearance after infection and treatment. Crowns have many pros including reinforcing your tooth’s structure. On top of this, there are no cons to crowns – you will still be able to eat spicy foods, consume alcohol, and drink caffeinated beverages like coffee. 

These are just added bonuses to the fact your natural tooth has been preserved. Root canal procedures and crowns provide you with results that last a lifetime, restoring your tooth’s full function and protecting it from becoming infected again in the long run. Most patients do not require follow-up treatment of any kind. Teeth restored with crowns last about as long as their healthy originals.
You don’t have to worry anymore about root canals in Charlotte with our team of experts ready to provide you with the right treatment for you. Contact Park Crossing Dentistry today to schedule an appointment, or make one online.

For more information on Root Canal Treatment in Charlotte, NC in the Charlotte, NC area, contact Park Crossing Dentistry by filling in our Contact Form or calling 704-541-5059 today!