Dental Crowns and Veneers in Charlotte, NC

Written by: Portrait Of Dr. Joshua NeubauerDr. Joshua Neubauer

A dental crown may be needed in many situations. Whether you want to protect a weak tooth, restore a broken tooth, fill the gap of a missing tooth, cover or support a tooth or dental implant, or hold an implant-supported bridge in place, you’ve come to the right place! At Park Crossing Dentistry, you can rely on us to install high-quality porcelain crowns, regardless of your needs.

Park Crossing Dentistry serves Charlotte, NC, and provides cosmetic dentistry, including dental veneers and dental crowns. We know how troubling it can be to be ashamed of your smile and how annoying it can be to have trouble chewing because your tooth enamel has worn down or your teeth are cracked. 

Thankfully, there are ways to combat these frustrations through dental crowns and dental veneers, including porcelain veneers and cosmetic dentistry. Our cosmetic dentists can give you information on these different types of cosmetic dentistry; this way, you can decide what is best for your oral health. 

Dentist Explaining Procedure of Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns in Charlotte, NC

Dental crowns are caps that go over cracked, decayed teeth (after the decay is removed), teeth that went through root canal treatment, or teeth that have lost their shape or size. When you put a crown over your tooth, it restores its shape, size, strength, and appearance, which can help you chew better and have a fuller-looking smile. 

Contact us today to speak with our experienced team about scheduling a visit for you or your family for Charlotte, NC dental services. The sooner you reach us, the sooner you will get specific help and advice about your dental needs.

Reasons To Get Dental Crowns in Charlotte, NC

There are several reasons people may get a dental crown, such as if they need to protect a weak tooth from breaking or restore a broken or tooth worn down from decay. If you have had fillings and they have broken down, then a dental crown is useful. If you need a dental bridge to replace missing teeth, crowns anchor the bridge in place while the middle part of the bridge is a natural “floating” (a Pontic) crown.

Dental implant crowns are specialized crowns that are attached to the dental implant through an abutment (similar to a screw) that integrates with the dental crown.  The dental crown is attached to the abutment giving the tooth a very natural look and a very strong restoration of your teeth.

Dental bridges are used when many missing teeth are in one area, and a bridge is needed to fill the gap. If your teeth have lost their natural shape or are discolored, dental crowns can help make your teeth look better. You can use a dental crown to cover a dental implant or a broken tooth. In addition, you can also cover a tooth that has undergone a root canal with a dental crown. 

What Materials Are Used To Make Dental Crowns?

There are different materials that dental crowns can be composed of, depending on your needs and budget. The most common types of material used for dental crowns are zirconia, porcelain, or porcelain fused to metal. 

Porcelain-fused-metal dental crowns give the top of the tooth a more natural color, but sometimes, the metal underneath the porcelain can show through as a dark line. Porcelain-fused-metal dental crowns can be good for front or back teeth but may cause wear and tear on the surrounding teeth. 

Zirconia or porcelain dental crowns provide the best color match to your natural teeth, making them a good choice for front teeth. Metal (usually gold) is good to use because it hardly ever chips or breaks and lasts the longest when it comes to wear and tear from biting and chewing. 

Metal dental crowns are more suitable for back molars because they can handle the pressure from chewing.  However, metal crowns are not usually used for front teeth because their metallic look can be unappealing.

What is the Procedure for a Dental Crown?

A dental crown can be placed on your tooth in just two visits, depending on your dentist’s recommendation and how decayed or cracked, your tooth is. Once you enter our dentist’s office, we will examine and start your tooth preparation while providing services to keep you relaxed and comfortable.

Your tooth will be examined in the first visit using digital X-rays. If the X-rays show that you need a root canal before your dental crown is implanted, the dentist will perform this procedure before placing the crown on the tooth. The dentist will know if you need a root canal if your tooth is decayed, there is an infection, or the tooth is cracked through the root.

Once the root canal is completed, the tooth receiving the dental crown will be filed. If too much of the tooth is missing, a filling can be used to provide more structure for the dental crown. 

Then, a paste or putty will be used to imprint your tooth for the dental crown to ensure the crown does not affect your bite. While your crown is being prepared, the dentist will provide a temporary crown to protect your tooth. 

The dentist will remove the temporary crown during the second visit and place the permanent dental crown on the tooth. 

Do Crowned Teeth Require Special Care?

When you contact Park Crossing Dentistry, you can rest assured that you will get a natural-looking smile. Our high-end porcelain will provide a beautiful smile, as it is durable and perfectly resembles natural tooth enamel. We ensure that our dental crowns are the ideal long-term solution for your dental needs. 

However, you still need to maintain good oral hygiene and routine dental care. As the underlying tooth needs protection against decay or gum disease, it would be in your best interest to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. Please do so, especially around the new crown area, where the gum meets your teeth. 

Woman with Veneers

Veneers Charlotte, NC

Veneers are thin shells that attach to the front of the teeth to improve their appearance and protect them from damage. Veneers are matched to the color of your teeth and can change your natural tooth’s length, size, color, shape, and functionality. Veneers are elective cosmetic dentistry because they are only for aesthetic purposes. They are thin and are minimally invasive restorations.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain shells or veneers are the most commonly used veneers and can last 10 to 15 years. They can resist stains since they are made of ceramic. The application of porcelain veneers is a minimally invasive procedure. The dentist will color correct and shape the existing tooth when performing this procedure. Then, they will replace the existing tooth surface by using a bonding agent and a porcelain shell. You can choose from many different porcelain veneer colors. 

What is the Veneer Procedure?

Getting a veneer may seem intimidating at first, but it is a relatively simple procedure that is worth it if you are insecure about the color of your teeth. 

First, the dentist will remove some enamel from your tooth. Next, your dentist will take digital impressions of your tooth, then you will decide on the shade of the veneer. Then, your dentist will send the impression to a lab to provide the template for the veneer. Construction of the veneer will take a few weeks, and your dentist will give you temporary veneers in the meantime. Lastly, your dentist will remove the temporary veneers and place the veneers onto your teeth. 

Contact Park Crossing Dentistry Today

We are happy to help you with all your dental crown and dental veneer needs at Park Crossing Dentistry. We promise to do our best to serve our customers from all over Charlotte, NC, and welcome patients from other locations, especially if they have a dental emergency. At Park Crossing Dentistry, you will get the most natural-looking results you could ever hope for.

Your oral health is essential to us, and we want to make sure you feel confident with your smile so that you use it all the time. Thus, whether you need dental crowns and bridges, root canals, or a fix to other dental problems, visit us at our Charlotte office. 

Our professional team is committed to treating all patients with the respect and compassion they fully deserve. We can address all your short or long-term dental needs while providing friendly, honest, and excellent customer service. We can fix any damaged tooth or deal with any dental filling, so do not hesitate to request an appointment for a treatment plan as soon as possible! Contact us; we are ready and willing to assist you whenever you need us! 

FAQs on Dental Crowns

Do you have any questions about dental crowns? At Park Crossing Dentistry, we are happy to answer all of your questions. Our team is looking forward to walking you through our dental process to ease any of your concerns. 

Are dental crowns covered by dental insurance?

In most cases, yes! The dental insurance may cover a part of the total cost or even all of the cost of a dental crown. Once you contact our team at Park Crossing Dentistry, we will help you determine the portion of the total cost of your crown and let you know how much of your total cost is covered. To be certain of what your dental insurance can cover, it would be best to consider contacting your dental insurance company.

How much do dental crowns cost?

The costs of dental crowns can vary based on your location or the type of crown you choose. Generally, porcelain crowns are more expensive than gold crowns. Respectively, gold crowns are more expensive than porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. But in general, the cost of a dental crown ranges from $800 to $1,500 or more.

Is it recommended to get a crown or pull the tooth?

Usually, dental crowns are better solutions than tooth extractions, as you will keep your natural tooth intact. While tooth loss may be associated with several dental conditions, tooth extractions are considered to be the last option for most dental professionals.

What happens if I wait too long to get a crown?

Every cavity starts on the outer layer of a tooth, so if caught early enough, you can easily get them treated with a filling.

However, if you leave them untreated, cavities may worsen and destroy the tooth’s structure. Once cavities expand, you won’t have enough tooth structure to support a filling. At this stage, it is highly recommended to get a crown to restore your tooth’s shape, size, and strength. 

If you fail to get a crown, the decay will eventually reach the inner layer of your tooth. This is where the nerve and pulp reside, so you may need a root canal to have the infected nerve removed. You can prevent this from happening by having a dental crown as soon as possible.

Are there any other dental problems that crowns can treat?

Absolutely! Besides large cavities, at Park Crossing Dentistry, we recommend dental crowns for cosmetic reasons (to give your teeth a whole new appearance), fix cracked or broken teeth, to complete a dental implant, and restore teeth with fillings, or after a root canal.

Can I get a crown without a root canal?

Yes, you can get a crown without a root canal. For example, if your tooth is not infected or acutely inflamed, you won’t need a root canal.

For more information on Crowns and Veneers in the Charlotte, NC area, contact Park Crossing Dentistry by filling in our Contact Form or calling 704-541-5059 today!